Natalie Wong- Our Lady Queen of the Sacred Liturgy Praesidum (Junior)- Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace

Hi! I’m Natalie Wong from Our Lady Queen of the Sacred Liturgy junior praesidium of Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace. I didn’t realise how long I have been in the Legion till now. I joined the Legion right after my PSLE examinations. I am now preparing to sit for my O-levels examinations next year. 3 years in the Legion! That’s how fast time flies when you are in the Legion.

Many may think that the Legion is just all about praying the rosary and devoting yourself to Mother Mary. At least, that was what I thought when I first joined the legion when I was 12. My mother encouraged me to consider joining the Legion when a friend introduced me to this praesidium. Since then, my time in the Legion has been very enjoyable.I soon realised that the Legion was more than just praying the rosary. It is a community of like-minded people who are all on this journey to get closer to Mother Mary and God together. Everyone here is loving and caring towards one another and supportive of each other.

Every Saturday during our meetings, we have to report on the allocated work given to us for that week. Some of the allocated work include spiritual reading, and lately I have been trying to follow the Catechism in a Year podcast by Fr. Mike Schmitz. I do not think I would ever be engaged in such things on my own, if not for the Legion that has given me the opportunity to explore these areas of my spiritual life. I have learned so much more about my faith and my values through the Legion, which I would have otherwise not learnt in catechism class. I am very grateful to have found the Legion, and for this opportunity to share my legionary life.


Jade Peh- Mother of the Holy Family Praesidium (Junior) Church of the Holy Family


Hello everyone. My name is Jade and I am from the Mother of the Holy Family junior praesidium in Holy Family Church.

I joined the Legion when I was 9 years old and have been in the Legion for 5 years.

I was first invited to the Legion by my sister’s friend, which eventually led my 3 sisters and I to start going for weekly meetings. At first, I only went for Legion meetings because all my sisters were going and I felt compelled to stay. However, after a while, I started to appreciate the structure of the meetings and how each and every member had so much zeal and affection for our Lord in every meeting I attended.

In my 5 years of being a legionary, I have truly developed a deeper understanding and love for Our Lady through the recitation of the Holy Rosary. I am very grateful for the invitation to join the Legion and I can say with confidence that the Legion has improved my relationship with Our Lady and has deepened my love for the Lord.  The Legion’s focus on prayer and devotion has deepened my connection with God and allowed me to discover new facets of my spirituality.

By participating in the works of the Legion, such as visiting the sick and organising charitable events, I am able to tangibly express my faith and bring joy to those in need. Besides, whenever I need someone to turn to in times of need, I can always rely on Mother Mary to give me that sense of comfort. The Legion has provided me with a sense of purpose, deepened my spirituality, and allowed me to cultivate lifelong friendships.

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be  part of this incredible community, and I look forward to continuing my legionary journey, spreading God’s love, one act of service at a time.