Join us as a Member today!

Sign up via the link below and we will be link you up with a Praesidium near you.

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–  This Membership registration is only open to all residence living in Singapore. 

– Membership is open to all baptized Catholics.

Types of Membership

Active Members

Members regularly attend the weekly sessions of their Praesidium and pray daily the prayer of the Legion, the Catena Legionis, which consists essentially of the Magnificat and some shorter prayers. Their main role lies in active apostolate for the legion and the church. Active members under 18 are not allowed to give the “Legion promise” until that age. They are considered Juniors and may hold any office except President in their Praesidium. Above the level of the Praesidium, no Junior may serve as an officer

Auxiliary Members

Members support the legion through their prayer. They pray the whole booklet of Legion prayers, the “Tessera”, every day. The Tessera consists of the Invocation, prayers to the Holy Spirit, the Rosary, the Catena, and the concluding prayers of the Tessera.


A higher grade of active membership, pray, in addition to their duties as active members, the Rosary, the Divine Office and go to Holy Mass daily.

Adjutorians Members

A higher grade of auxiliary membership, additionally pray the Divine Office and go to Holy Mass daily.