Our History

The first Legion of Mary meeting in Singapore was held on Dec 5, 1947, with three members and was named Gate of Heaven Praesidium with the late Fr John Roger Fox as its spiritual director and the late Ms Luna Pereira as president.

These Legionaries then started the Catholic lending library known as the Book Barrow, the bookshop and the Catholic Centre.

With the expansion of the Legion in Singapore, its first Curia was founded on 10 Aug 1949. Expanding into the West and East Malaysia and Brunei, the first Comitium was formed on 4 April 1953. Consisting of the national and regional council, Singapore Senatus was formed on 10 Jan 1960, Serving the eight archdioceses, dioceses and apostolic vicariate in Singapore, East Malaysia and Brunei.

With the reorganisation of Singapore Senatus in 1990, the praesidia in the City District Churches remained directly affiliated to the Senatus.

To date there are 147 praesidia, or Legion units, in Singapore and 443 praesidia in East Malaysia and Brunei.

There are about 15,000 active and auxiliary Legionaries with 4,500 in Singapore and 10,500 in East Malaysia and Brunei